Tuesday, May 23, 2017

The user interface for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations

As we know  user interface of D 365 has been  completely changed while compared with earlier versions of AX.

In earlier version we are using Ax client as application ,but in Dynamics 365 we can use the client from browser URL.

we can find lot of option from the new Dynamics 365 Home Page.

The main navigation options are listed below.

2.Company search/Company selection
3.Navigation search
4. Message Window
5.Feedback form
6.User Settings
7.Help  & Support
8.Account Settings
9. Navigation pane
10.Office 365 link
11.Dynamics 365 home page/portal
12.Operations for default dash board.

1. Dashboard :
The dashboard is the first page that we can see when we access the client. The dashboard contains tiles that show important details from the system. Previously we used to display Cues on Role Center pages in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 home page now the same  available on the dashboard. You can return to the dashboard at any time by clicking Operations (12).

2.Company search/Company selection :

Company selection is for selecting the desired company like earlier versions. we can get both drop down of he company list  for selection or we can directly search with the company id.

3.Navigation search :

Navigation search is one of the useful option in D 365 we can directly search the desired form ,we if we don't know the path.this intelligence will give the multiple option to select the required form. 

4. Message Window : 
Message window is used save all messages like info,warnings and errors,this is similar to message windows of earlier versions.

but in earlier versions there will be a separate window form will open to display all messages. but in we can find  all messages in message window pane.

but the functionality will be same for both the versions,these saved messages will  get cleared one the session is expired(if close and  open the client),similarly in earlier versions.

5.Feedback form :
we can send the feed back about the application .you like  or  dislike  along with the comments.But i am not sure where can i see our comments and feed back.But it will capture all your session details.

6.User Settings  :
Under the user setting, we can find some of the tools,which are available in earlier versions too.

User options : is used for  setting up user default values like start up company,currency  and  reset usage data like earlier versions.we can discuss more details  about user options in later sessions.

Task recorder :Task recorder is also available in earlier version but here we an find some extra features related to task recorder like editing the recent task recorder.So we can discuss more about Task recorder in separate session.

Mobile apps: We can create new mobile apps using this.and also edit the existing mobile apps.
Trace  : Trace is a tool to search with the desired words ,like in Ax 2009 data crawler.but here in                       D365 we can download the trace  and upload the trace.

About: It will provide version information and loaded models and package details.

7.Help  & Support :

Help : Help will redirected to Dynamics 365 for Operations Help Wiki,based on your search.

Support : Support will redirected to Life cycle service  for support .

8.Account Settings :

Here we can find  the current user login account details and sign out button as well.

9. Navigation pane :

The user can open the navigation pane by clicking the Show navigation pane button under the navigation bar.(9)
The navigation pane provides access to work spaces, main menu elements, recently opened forms, and user-defined favorites. 
The navigation pane consists of four collapsible sections as listed below.

3.Work spaces

The Favorites section provides quick access to the list of forms the user has explicitly marked as a favorite. Marking a form as a favorite is accomplished by clicking the star icon next to the form in the navigation pane. 

The Recent section lists the forms the user has most recently visited.

The set of work spaces a user has access to is conveniently shown in the Work spaces section. 

The Modules section provides the full list of modules. Clicking on a module will open the right side of the navigation pane, where the user can navigate to the desired page in that module. 

10.Office 365 link :
Office 365 link will redirected  office.come  which we can find all available office  apps  like outlook word excel etc. as shown in the below screen shot.

11.Dynamics 365 home page/portal :

   Dynamics 365 home page will redirected to home.dynamics .com,where we can find the all other available dynamics apps.

12.Operations for default dash board :

Operation  button is allays bring back your application to default dash board. 

Ps:for more information please refer the below link.


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